Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Who is the sower?

Scripture: Mark 4 : 1-20

Parable means beside , cast

Ordinary language to an ordinary audience
Extend the parable of the sower -
Focus on the title - what is it about? It's about the Sower
Questions - 
Why did the sower spread the seed over the different types of earth?
This method of broadcasting was used extensively in the parts of Galilee. 

The sower is the person who spreads the word of God. He has abundance of God's word. So he is extravagant. He does not worry about the people. He just broadcasts the good news. The good news should be like seed. Small, containing the ability to take root and sprout. Not one that is hard to understand and hard to take root. It is the responsibility of the sower to have the kind of seed that will Sprout. The next point is that it is not the responsibility of the sower to worry about the type of earth. That is something God and His Spirit will take care of. By means of cultivation, and fertilizer, infertile earth can be made to be fertile. But that is the job of the tiller.

So the Kingdom of God is people who go out and broadcast His good news to all types of people.

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