Friday, December 2, 2011

Dad , your love and values continue

Beera Sundar Rao

A responsible son, caring husband, loving dad. Wonderful singer, tireless helper and a man of his word. Your love and values continue in your son and also daughters. Your sacrifices as well as all your good deeds to many, turned into blessings for us. Thank you Dad, for inculcating in us values and love for God and to help others as much as one can. You live in our lives through everything we learnt from you.
Rest in Peace

Sunday, November 13, 2011

It pays to give

In these hard economic times, the one thing that is heard over and over is economic prudence, saving, and how to make the dollar go farther. This is all good and necessary, no doubt. Come the season of giving, Christmas, all Non-Profits vie for the donations, and we hear a lot about giving, generosity etc. How does this stack against getting the dollar go further?

Logic and basic math, says I cant part with my dollar. Got to be like the chipmunk that stores all the walnuts for winter. I got to hold on to all for the uncertain days ahead. Then at church I hear a message on generosity and what Kingdom Math is. What is Kingdom Math ? Well, basic math tells me if I subtract 2 from 5, the result is 3 But Kingdom math says if I subtract 2 from 5, the result is 9. WHAT? In other words, subtraction is multiplication.

5 -2 = 3 x n

What is this 'n' ?

It made me wonder how I can understand the above from the Bible. And here is what I found.

God commands me to love Him with all my mind, soul and being, and also my neighbor. How do I love God and my neighbor? by letting him do His will through me, and relying on Him for everything. By being kind and generous to my neighbor. Another point is stewardship, everything and anything I own or have is given to me to be a steward. So when I give or be generous, I am actually tapping into a source that is God himself. Of course, one needs to be wise and balanced in all actions. What I want to point out is You can be generous when you realize that you have a store that never runs out. That store is Jesus. Only those who clearly are conscious what they have, can be generous.

God provides, I know this from my personal experience, and also from His Word (Bible). This is counter intuitive, as everything that economic prudence or storing for the rainy day or if you think there is nothing you can give , tells me is no to be generous. But if you go ahead and in FAITH, take that plunge to be generous, whether in way of money, time or talent, you will see for yourself how Kingdom math works. This is not prosperity preaching. When you give something without expecting in return, just see how that affects you.

Take a Generosity test Drive, kick the tyres, go for a spin........

Monday, October 10, 2011

Repentance - all you ever wanted to know about

"If lost, follow GPS - God's Plan of Salvation"  - From the Sign board of Bellingham Baptist Church

Repentance is a key concept to understand God's plan of Salvation, yet is a difficult one to grasp. There are different shades or degree of repentance that is taught by churches, and one is confused by the multiple versions of repentance taught or understood. Of course, there is no other way to understand and know what Repentance means, but from the Scriptures and  personal  experience. I came across this resource that I found clear, with Scriptural backing and helps one to understand what the Scriptures talk about Repentance. Questions like, What is true repentance, after one repents, can one sin? What happens when after repenting one falls back in sin etc. I went through a quarter of the content and was able to find answers to most of my questions, that helped me understand godly repentance.

Click here Repentence to go to the page, it is a very long page.

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Prayer that you and I can offer daily

"Lord, today I want to do what You say regarding contentment; I want to have a calm and gentle spirit. I don't simply want to call myself a Christian. I want to be known as a genuine servant of God because my life demonstrates the truth I say I believe. Help me this day to face everything and deal with everyone with a gentle and quiet spirit. Help me to be content, even though things don't go my way.
"Help me today with diligence, Lord. I tend to lose sight of the goal as the day wears on. I'm a good starter, but I don't finish well. Help me to do a quality piece of work and not to give in to the mood of the moment.
"And, Lord, help me, when You begin to bring to pass these qualities in my life, not to call attention to them, but just to let them flow out of my life in glory to You. Help me to become Your servant, Your man, Your woman."

Friday, August 19, 2011

An object of faith to relate

Col 1:15 Message

We look at this Son and see the God who cannot be seen. We look at this Son and see God's original purpose in everything created.

Since ages man always seeks an anchor, an object that he can relate to in anything he does. God, the Father is Spirit, and He commanded not to form any image or idol for worship. But we see even as He was instructing Moses, on mount Sinai, the people of Israel wanted an object that they can relate, see, touch and worship as their God. Mankind has been all along had this yearning to have an object of faith. As part of God's redemption plan for mankind, He satisfied man's yearning by sending His son , Jesus Christ to be a human. Mankind was given the opportunity to satisfy that desire to have an object of faith, worship - but what happened? Men rejected God's offering and instead decided to crucify Jesus. What does this tell? Man cannot make the right choice, even for something he desires. We are incapable to satisfy ourselves. But through the Father's grace, all of us who have been called to see Him in His son Jesus, now have an object of faith, that we can touch, talk, relate to. We now by believing in His son Jesus worship God in Spirit and Truth.
Thank you Father for your grace, and Jesus for being obedient to leave your glory an riches, so that we can worship the Father through you.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mom's first death anniversary

Time flies, its a year since my mother passed away. I should have been in India, attending the Anniversary Prayer Meeting at Vizag with my family. However due to work situation, I chose not to be there.  Even though mom is not here, she always lives in my memories. My family and my sisters' families are testimony to her love, commitment and values. As I recall the memories,  I am reminded of her and dad through Hebrews 12:1

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.

All our loved ones who passed away are urging and cheering each one of us here in our race that is set before us to receive the crown from the Almighty. That is such a refreshing thought and strength for me, especially when I am low.

Mom and Dad, you are up there cheering us on towards our goal. Love you always.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Who is the sower?

Scripture: Mark 4 : 1-20

Parable means beside , cast

Ordinary language to an ordinary audience
Extend the parable of the sower -
Focus on the title - what is it about? It's about the Sower
Questions - 
Why did the sower spread the seed over the different types of earth?
This method of broadcasting was used extensively in the parts of Galilee. 

The sower is the person who spreads the word of God. He has abundance of God's word. So he is extravagant. He does not worry about the people. He just broadcasts the good news. The good news should be like seed. Small, containing the ability to take root and sprout. Not one that is hard to understand and hard to take root. It is the responsibility of the sower to have the kind of seed that will Sprout. The next point is that it is not the responsibility of the sower to worry about the type of earth. That is something God and His Spirit will take care of. By means of cultivation, and fertilizer, infertile earth can be made to be fertile. But that is the job of the tiller.

So the Kingdom of God is people who go out and broadcast His good news to all types of people.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What do others see me as?

Rev 10:1
Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a rainbow over his head, and his face was like the sun, and his legs like pillars of fire.

A special angel? A special representative of Jesus Christ, reflecting his glory. Remember Moses' face when he came down from Mt Sinai after being in the presence of God. His face was so bright that folks could not face him. When you spend time in the presence of God, His glory rubs on you in some way, that WILL be seen by others. What do others see in me/you?