Col 1:15 Message
We look at this Son and see the God who cannot be seen. We look at this Son and see God's original purpose in everything created.
Since ages man always seeks an anchor, an object that he can relate to in anything he does. God, the Father is Spirit, and He commanded not to form any image or idol for worship. But we see even as He was instructing Moses, on mount Sinai, the people of Israel wanted an object that they can relate, see, touch and worship as their God. Mankind has been all along had this yearning to have an object of faith. As part of God's redemption plan for mankind, He satisfied man's yearning by sending His son , Jesus Christ to be a human. Mankind was given the opportunity to satisfy that desire to have an object of faith, worship - but what happened? Men rejected God's offering and instead decided to crucify Jesus. What does this tell? Man cannot make the right choice, even for something he desires. We are incapable to satisfy ourselves. But through the Father's grace, all of us who have been called to see Him in His son Jesus, now have an object of faith, that we can touch, talk, relate to. We now by believing in His son Jesus worship God in Spirit and Truth.
Thank you Father for your grace, and Jesus for being obedient to leave your glory an riches, so that we can worship the Father through you.