For instance how is your cash flow? It would be a positive cash flow if you are using it in a right manner, if not it is negative. Having a good positive cash flow for companies is a sign of strength, and it is true for our personal budgets. So let me come to my point, if you want to be free from the clutches of money, you need to be on top of everything involving money.
For example you may have been touched by the Haiti earthquake, and would like to donate some money. How much would you like to and how much can you actually donate? This depends on your cash flow situation. If you are someone who is organized with a spreadsheet that tells you how much you earn, and how much you spend, it is possible to see it right away. Or else you don't have a clue.
Going back to the 3 T's, you can donate your time, talent or treasure to the Haiti Relief effort, or some charity that you are passionate about. If you are the average person in US, your biggest investment may be your home. You can open up your home to have, say a Bible study or host a meeting to come up with ideas to help with the relief effort. In the Bible, God asks you and me to give to the needy, His temple. If we take the view that everything that we have comes from God, and that we are only managers of the possessions, we can do a better job in managing our resources to the maximum effect. The "effect" depends on your stand on charity or ambition. But the stewardship view provides you peace of mind and joy, try it.